Office of Research Administration


Our mission is to provide comprehensive editorial, logistical, and administrative support for a wide spectrum of research activities at Fujita Health University.

●Research Strategy and Capacity: We anticipate, develop and maintain digital platforms and databases for researcher profiles, research analytics and assessment, and resources for special technical capacities, and conduct the Survey of National Trends of Science and Technology. We also promote/advertise FHU research including press releases, conferences, and media relations.  
●Grant and Funding Support: We provide pre-award support for obtaining competitive center-wide and individual research grants and post-award services related to the operation and management of funded projects, and assisting with grant-related meetings and events. Our goal is to promote collaborations and build teams and communities that are ultimately fundable.
●Scientific Event Organization: We support many academic and scientific events including the planning and operation of large symposia, conferences, workshops, and both international and domestic seminar series working closely with faculty and staff. Other special events include university open lectures, ORA and technical seminars, and hosting international delegations.
●Professional Communications Services: A special feature of FHU is professional support for researchers for their scientific communications in English (research manuscripts, conference proceedings, Powerpoint presentations, etc...). Our in-house native/fluent manuscript editors enable the publication of papers in top journals with professional-grade editing/proofreading.


Hisatsugu Koshimizu

Hisatsugu Koshimizu Head of ORA/Professor

I graduated from the Faculty of Science (B.S.) and Graduate School of Science (Ph.D.), respectively, at Osaka University with a specialization in neuroscience. After working at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), I joined Fujita Health University in 2011, and since 2018, I have been working to strengthen the research capacity of the University. I currently serve as the Head of the Office of Research Administration (ORA), which was established in 2023.

Charles T. Yokoyama

Charles T. Yokoyama Professor

Including graduate work at M.I.T. (M.S. in Biology) and the University of Washington (Ph.D.) I have 20 years of experience as a researcher in biochemistry and the biomedical sciences, with a specialization in neuroscience. After leaving the bench, I served as Senior Editor for Neuron, a neuroscience journal in the Cell Press/Elsevier publishing industry before returning to academia. Since 2011, I’ve served as the Director of Research Administration at RIKEN Center for Brain Science, and Executive Director at The University of Tokyo, International Research Center for Neurointelligence. At FHU, I am appointed to the Office for Research Administration and the International Center for Brain Science. My academic scholarship focuses on the education of manuscript writing and publishing, and the epistemology/ontology of neuroscience and A.I.

Johannes M. Dijkstra

Johannes M. Dijkstra Associate Professor

I am from the Netherlands and earned a B.S. in Biology, specializing in Molecular Genetics. I obtained a Ph.D. in virology. In 2004, I joined FHU as a faculty member with a primary research specialty in the evolution of genes and molecules of the immune system. Then in 2020, I became a University Research Administrator, supporting the writing and publishing of research papers and organizing events like the monthly 'CMS Seminar Club,' an international research webinar.

Mai Sugiyama

Mai Sugiyama Senior Assistant Professor

I graduated from both the Department of Biological Science (B.S.) and Graduate School of Medicine (Ph.D.) at Nagoya University. My research involved studying the molecular mechanisms of Notch signaling in neurogenesis, and in brain and ovarian cancers. I was engaged in basic research at Nagoya University School of Medicine for 13 years since 2011. Since 2024, I became a University Research Administrator, aiming to strengthen FHU research capabilities and address issues such as young doctors leaving research and balancing clinical work and research.

Yuko Ukai

Yuko Ukai Assistant

I completed graduate work in education (M.S.) at Tohoku University with research interests including the management of grief care due to the experience of loss such as bereavement and disasters. In 2014, I joined the Department of Cardiology at FHU as a research assistant, and in 2024 joined ORA as an assistant. I enjoy the challenges of creating support systems for researchers and clinicians to produce high quality scientific results in basic and clinical settings.


Office of Research Administration

#504, 5th building, Fujita Health University, 1-98 Dengakugakubo, Kutsukake-cho, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1192, Japan
E-mail:f-ora(at) / Tel:+81-562-93-9876
※ Please replace “(at)” with “@”.