Division of Molecular and Systems Neuropathophysiology


Our goal is to understand the mechanisms that regulate voluntary movement and emotion. We also aim to elucidate the pathophysiology of movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease and to develop innovative therapies. Focusing on the basal ganglia, we combine electrophysiological recordings of neuronal activity recordings from animal models with biochemical methods to elucidate neuronal circuit principles. Through a comprehensive approach, from basic science to drug discovery, we hope to advance the understanding and treatment of brain disorders.


Hiromi Sano

Hiromi Sano Associate Professor

I study the functional principles of neural circuits of the mammalian basal ganglia, and the mechanisms by which behavioral changes occur when these circuits are disrupted experimentally or by disease progression in animal models. An understanding of these principles should contribute to the development of treatments for psychiatric and neurological disorders.

Main publications

  1. Abe Y, Yagishita S*, Sano H*, Sugiura Y*, Dantsuji M*, Suzuki T, Mochizuki A, Yoshimaru D, Hata J, Matsumoto M, Taira S, Takeuchi H, Okano H, Ohno N, Suematsu M, Inoue T, Nambu A, Watanabe M, Tanaka KF. Shared GABA transmission pathology in dopamine agonist- and antagonist-induced dyskinesia. Cell Rep Med. 4(10):101208, 2023 (*These authors contributed equally)
  2. Dwi Wahyu I, Chiken S, Hasegawa T, Sano H#, Nambu A. Abnormal Cortico-Basal Ganglia Neurotransmission in a Mouse Model of l-DOPA-Induced Dyskinesia. J Neurosci. 41(12): 2668-2683, 2021 (#corresponding author)
  3. Watanabe H*, Sano H*, Chiken S*, Kobayashi K, Fukata Y, Fukata M, Mushiake H, Nambu A. Forelimb movements evoked by optogenetic stimulation of the macaque motor cortex.  Nat Commun. 11(1):3253, 2020 (*These authors contributed equally)
  4. Sano H, Kobayashi K, Yoshioka N, Takebayashi H, Nambu A. Retrograde gene transfer into neural pathways mediated by adeno-associated virus (AAV)-AAV receptor interaction. J Neurosci Methods. 345:108887, 2020
  5. Sano H, Nambu A. The effects of zonisamide on L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease model mice. Neurochem Int. 124:171-180, 2019
  6. Sano H, Chiken S, Hikida T, Kobayashi K, Nambu A. Signals through the striatopallidal indirect pathway stop movements by phasic excitation in the substantia nigra. J Neurosci. 33(17):7583-7594, 2013


Division of Molecular and Systems Neuropathophysiology

#402, 4th building, Fujita Health University, 1-98 Dengakugakubo, Kutsukake-cho, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1192, Japan
E-mail:hiromi.sano(at)fujita-hu.ac.jp / Tel:+81-562-93-9379
※ Please replace “(at)” with “@”.