-Therapies against Intractable Diseases-

教授 土田 邦博
TSUCHIDA, Kunihiro, Professor

We have focused on elucidating the pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies against neuromuscular diseases and sarcopenia. Skeletal muscles constitute 30-40% of body weights and play an important role in movement and the whole body homeostasis. By manipulating the stem cells and myofibers, we can control the skeletal muscle mass, ameliorate muscle atrophy by muscular diseases and sarcopenia, and cachexia.  


Aiming to elucidate the mechanism of muscle atrophy conditions by neuromuscular diseases, sarcopenia, and cachexia by cutting-edge strategies.

筋萎縮とその病態と治療法開発 -Molecular pathology of muscular atrophies by various diseases and therapies

TGF-β family members like myostatin, activins, and BMP and Wnt families play a crucial role for controlling muscle mass and regulation of muscle stem cells and myofibers. Our group is involved in the development of inhibitors for muscle atrophy and the mechanism controlling muscle mass. We also study the post-translational modification of skeletal muscle proteins and their physiological roles. By using comprehensive analyses, we have elucidated the role of ubiquitin-like protein in protein sorting to exosomes and are developing enhancement of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapies against cancers.

研究テーマ -Research Topics-

  • 遺伝性神経筋変性疾患や老化による筋萎縮病態、肥満、脊椎疾患の治療法の開発
  • 筋繊維や幹細胞制御による筋骨格系疾患の治療法開発
  • エクソソームなどのナノ粒子によるナノメディシン
  • タンパク質の翻訳後修飾機構の解明と医学応用
  • サイトカイン・細胞増殖因子の細胞内情報伝達機構の解明

連絡先 -Contact information-

土田 邦博 教授 TSUCHIDA, Kunihiro, Professor
E-mail: tsuchida<at>fujita-hu.ac.jp

