-Systems Medical Science-

教授 宮川 剛
MIYAKAWA, Tsuyoshi, Professor

We focus on uderstanding the relationships between genes, brain, and behavior using genetically engineered mice to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders and to develop novel preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic strategies for the disorders.


Aiming to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.

精神・神経疾患と「脱成熟」 -De-maturation in neuropsychiatric disorders

We have been conducting a comprehensive behavioral test battery for genetically engineered mice. Over 15 years, we have evaluated more than 200 different mutant strains of mice. Among some mice showing pronounced behavioral abnormalities, we have identified a shared phenomenon, 'de-maturation,' with which mature neurons return to their pseudo-immature status. We hypothesize that de-maturation may underlie the pathophysiology of several neuropsychiatric disorders and are investigating the functions and mechanisms of this phenomenon.

研究テーマ -Research Topics-

  • 遺伝子改変マウスの脳・行動表現型解析
  • 精神・神経疾患における未成熟脳の理解
  • 脳の乳酸化・pH変化の機能的役割の解明
  • 脳の神経過活動とゲノム三次元構造変化の理解
  • マウス行動表現型データベースの開発と応用

連絡先 -Contact information-

宮川 剛 教授 MIYAKAWA, Tsuyoshi, Professor
E-mail: smedsci<at>fujita-hu.ac.jp