-Public Health-

教授 太田 充彦
OTA, Atsuhiko, Professor

We mainly use epidemiological methods and study mental health (community mental health, mental health of workers, addiction), occupational health (musculoskeletal disorders, cancer survivorship), stress, and the prevention of non-communicable diseases to contribute to the improvement of public health policies and health of all people.


Aiming to improve various mental health issues.

統合失調症有病率の調査 -Study of the prevalence of schizophrenia

The prevalence of mental disorders must be precisely determined to promote person-centered community care for people with mental disorders. This is necessary to calculate and develop the needs for community medical and social welfare services. We aim to develop methods to estimate the prevalence of schizophrenia using machine learning and analysis of large-scale databases of health insurance claims.

研究テーマ -Research Topics-

  • 地域精神保健(精神障害の有病率の解明)
  • 労働者のメンタルヘルス・心理社会的ストレス
  • 作業関連性運動器障害
  • ストレス・依存症のスクリーニングの開発
  • 生活習慣病に関する疫学研究
  • 依存症(ニコチン依存、食物依存など)と公衆衛生

連絡先 -Contact information-

太田 充彦 教授 OTA, Atsuhiko, Professor
E-mail: ohtaa<at>fujita-hu.ac.jp