-Biomedical Molecular Sciences-

教授 髙橋 和男

TAKAHASHI, Kazuo, Professor

Omics analysis has been widely applied for many studies. We have conducted omics analysis of various clinical samples under collaboration with clinical department of university hospital where is one of the largest hospital in Japan, and focused on elucidating pathogenesis of diseases, developing new biomarker, and identification of novel therapeutic targets. 


Aiming to discover novel pathological findings through multi-omics analysis of various clinical samples.

IgA腎症の病態解明 -Pathological mechanisms in IgA nephropathy

The hypothesis of multi-hit pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy has been proposed: 1) Increased serum level of aberrantly glycosylated IgA1, 2) production of autoantibodies to aberrantly glycosylated, 3) formation of immune complexes, and 4) glomerular deposition and damage. We aim to develop new biomarker and to discover novel therapeutic targets by omics analysis of various clinical samples of IgA nephropathy.

研究テーマ -Research Topics-

  • IgA腎症の病態解明
  • IgA腎症の新規バイオマーカー開発
  • 腎臓と臓器連関
  • 抗血管内皮細胞抗体の検出と意義
  • 組織トランスグルタミナーゼと腎臓
  • 臨床検体のターゲットメタボロミクス

連絡先 -Contact information-

髙橋 和男 教授 TAKAHASHI, KAZUO, Professor
E-mail: kazuot<at>fujita-hu.ac.jp