
  リハビリテーション研究部門 論文一覧
論文 / Original, Short, Case, and Conference Papers
  • Mizuno S, Sonoda S, Takeda K, Maeshima S. Measurement of resistive plantar flexion torque of the ankle during passive stretch in healthy subjects and patients with poststroke hemiplegia. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 25(4): 946-53, 2016.
  • Takasu K, Miyasaka H, Tomita Y, Honda S. Muscle coordination under unbendable arm in Aikido. J Int Soc Life Inf Sci 34(1): 7-14, 2016.
  • Shibata S, Yashiro D, Yubai K, Komada S, Takeda K. Quantitative evaluation of hemiplegic ankle spasticity using angular velocity control system with torque sensor and EMG. Proc IEEJ Intl Workshop SAMCON: 1-6, 2016.
  • Kawakami K, Tanino G, Tomida K, Kato Y, Watanabe M, Okuyama Y, Sonoda S. Influence of increased amount of exercise on improvements in walking ability of convalescent patients with post-stroke hemiplegia. J Phys Ther Sci 28(2): 602-6, 2016.
  • Maeda H, Sonoda S, Tomita Y, Mizuno S, Takeda K, Miyasaka H, Tanino G, Orand A, Ohno K. Factors influencing therapeutic effectiveness of phenol motor point block on using ankle plantar flexion torque. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 6: 118-23, 2015.
  • Orand A, Tomita Y, Okamoto S, Sonoda S. On the design and development of a ZigBee-based multimodal input-output monitoring-actuating system. Int J Electr Comput Eng 5(5): 1143-52, 2015.
  • Kawakami K, Miyasaka H, Nonoyama S, Hayashi K, Tonogai Y, Tanino G, Wada Y, Narukawa A, Okuyama Y, Tomita Y, Sonoda S. Randomized controlled comparative study on effect of training to improve lower limb motor paralysis in convalescent patients with post-stroke hemiplegia. J Phys Ther Sci 27(9): 2947-50, 2015.
  • Takeda K, Tomita Y, Orand A, Tanino G, Miyasaka H, Sonoda S. Affordable and portable transcranial direct current stimulation device for neurorehabilitation practice. J Rehabil Neurosci 15: 17-21, 2015.
  • Tanino G, Tomita Y, Mizuno S, Maeda H, Miyasaka H, Orand A, Takeda K, Sonoda S. Development of an ankle torque measurement device for measuring ankle torque during walking. J Phys Ther Sci 27(5): 1477-80, 2015.
  • Yamada S, Tomida K, Tanino G, Suzuki A, Kawakami K, Kubota S, Yanohara R, Katoh Y, Wada Y, Teranishi T, Orand A, Tomita Y, Sonoda S. How effective is the early fast treadmill gait speed training for stroke patients at the 2nd week after admission: comparison with comfortable gait speed at the 6th week. J Phys Ther Sci 27(4): 1247-50, 2015.
  • Beppu H, Takayanagi N, Tomita Y, Mizutani K, Orand A, Tamai I, Takahashi H, Sonoda S. Improvement of gait and coordinated movement by forced gait training in cerebellar ataxic B6-wob/t mice. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 6: 64-70, 2015.
  • Miyasaka H, Tomita Y, Orand A, Tanino G, Takeda K, Okamoto S, Sonoda S. Robot-aided training for upper limbs of sub-acute stroke patients. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 6: 27-32, 2015.
  • Yagi M, Takeda K, Machida M, Asazuma T. Discordance of gravity line and C7PL in patient with adult spinal deformity-factors affecting the occiput-trunk sagittal discordance. Spine J 15(2): 213-21, 2015.
  • Tomita Y, Tanino G, Mizuno S, Maeda H, Miyasaka H, Orand A, Takeda K, Sonoda S. Development of a stiffness measurement system and biomechanical model of ankle joint to evaluate viscoelasticity and muscle contraction. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 5: 147-55, 2014.
  • Igari M, Tomita Y, Miyasaka H, Orand A, Tanino G, Inoue K, Sonoda S. Development of a method for measuring joint torque using an isokinetic machine. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 5: 141-46, 2014.
  • Yanohara R, Teranishi T, Tomita Y, Tanino G, Ueno Y, Sonoda S. Recovery process of standing postural control in hemiplegia after stroke. J Phys Ther Sci 26(11): 1761-5, 2014.
  • Miyasaka H, Ohnishi H, Hieda C, Kawakami K, Tanino G, Okuyama Y, Tomita Y, Sonoda S. A study of the training method of sub-acute stroke patients of the upper extremity: Decision tree analysis. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 5: 117-24, 2014.
  • 丹羽朗子, 栗原淳, 池田竜士, 神谷晃央, 市川理一郎, 武田健太郎, 岡崎俊太郎, 村岡慶裕, 武田湖太郎, 笹崎義弘. 人工股関節全置換術前後の歩行時重心移動パターン. Hip Joint 40(Suppl): 103-6, 2014.
  • 宮坂裕之, 近藤和泉, 富田豊, 山村千尋, 中西千佳子, 園田茂. 脳卒中上肢機能的スキル評価尺度の構成概念妥当性と反応性の検討: 回復期リハ病棟入院患者を対象として. 作業療法ジャーナル 48(8): 889-94, 2014.
  • Tanino G, Sonoda S, Watanabe M, Okuyama Y, Sasaki S, Murai H, Tomida K, Suzuki A, Kawakami K, Miyasaka H, Orand A, Tomita Y. Changes in the gait ability of hemiplegic patients with stroke in the subacute phase: A pattern based on their gait ability and degree of lower extremity motor paralysis on admission. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 5: 40-9, 2014.
  • Orand A, Miyasaka H, Tomita Y, Tanino G, Sonoda S. Energy analysis reveals the negative effect of delays in passive movement mirror therapy. Somatosens Mot Res 31(2): 72-7, 2014.
  • Takeda K, Gomi Y, Kato H. Near-infrared spectroscopy and motor lateralization after stroke: A case series study. Int J Phys Med Rehabil 2(3): 192, 2014.
  • Ito S, Tomita Y, Tanabe S. Development of a method to assess alignment of the foot and lower leg. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 4: 80-3, 2013.
  • Tanabe S, Saitoh E, Ohtsuka K, Teranishi T, Tomita Y, Muraoka Y. Simple method to reduce the effect of patient positioning variation on three-dimensional motion analysis during treadmill gait. Clin Pract 3(2): e30, 2013.
  • Orand A, Okamoto S, Tomita Y, Miyasaka H, Tanino G, Sonoda S. Multi-input/output alarming system for patients with inattention caused by higher cortical function disorder. Biomed Eng Online 12: 104, 2013.
  • Takeda K, Tomita Y. Application of discrete Laplace's equation to create topography map of near-infrared spectroscopy signal. Ergon Hum-Syst Interact 15(1): 6-11, 2013.
  • Takayanagi N, Beppu H, Mizutani K, Tomita Y, Nagao S, Suzuki S, Orand A, Takahashi H, Sonoda S. Pelvic axis-based gait analysis for ataxic mice. J Neurosci Methods 219(1): 162-8, 2013.
  • Muraoka Y, Tanabe S, Yamaguchi T, Takeda K. Specifications of an electromyogram-driven neuromuscular stimulator for upper limb functional recovery. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc: 277-80, 2013.
  • Hyodo M, Saito M, Ushiba J, Tomita Y, Masakado Y. Use of a cane for recovery from backward balance loss during treadmill walking. Somatosens Mot Res 30(2): 65-71, 2013.
  • 宇佐見千恵子, 宮坂裕之, 植松瞳, 近藤智之, 富田豊, 園田茂. 脳卒中麻痺側手関節背屈筋への随意運動介助型電気刺激: 保持効果の経時変化. 脳卒中 35(3): 174-80, 2013.
  • Teranishi T, Kondo I, Tanino G, Miyasaka H, Sakurai H, Kaga J, Suzuki Y, Matsushima A, Kawakita M, Sonoda S. An analysis of falls occurring in a convalescence rehabilitation ward: a decision tree classification of fall cases for the management of basic movements. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 4: 7-13, 2013.
  • Hosono N, inoue H, Nagashima Y, Tomita Y. Sensory evaluation method to create pictograms based on multiplex sign languages. Proc 6th Int Conf Adv Comput-Hum Interact: 13-6, 2013.
  • Teranishi T, Sakurai H, Ohtsuka K, Yamada M, Tsuzuki A, Miyasaka H, Tanino G, Orand A, Kondo I. Relationship between feet position and anterior-posterior center of pressure (COP) location: What are the determining factors in the adjustment of center of gravity? J Phys Ther Sci 25(1): 41-3, 2013.
  • Saito M, Hyodo M, Masakado Y, Tomita Y, Ushiba J. Age-related differences in cognitive function for interlimb coordination during split-belt walking: a pilot study. Somatosens Mot Res 30(1): 56-63, 2013.
  • Hosono N, Miyajima F, Inaba T, Nishijima M, Suzuki M, Miki H, Tomita Y. The Urgent Communication System for Deaf and Language Dysfunction People. Proc 15th Int Conf Hum Interface Manage Info: Info & Interact Health Safety Mobil Complex Environ Part II: 269-74, 2013.
  • 谷野美奈, 渡邊豊明, 坂本利恵, 宮坂裕之, 澤俊二, 園田茂. 脳卒中麻痺側上肢感覚障害における母指運動覚評価の改定と信頼性の検討. 作業療法ジャーナル 46(12): 1577-81, 2012.
  • 宮坂裕之, 近藤智之, 中川裕規, 川上さつき, 林美帆, 園田茂. 左半側空間無視患者に対する電気刺激を用いた両上肢動作の試み. 作業療法ジャーナル 46(11): 1469-74, 2012.
  • 細野直恒, 三樹弘之, 鈴木道夫, 平山亮, 富田豊. 緊急場面でのパッド型端末の適用. Proc Media Comput Conf: 16-20, 2012.
  • Hyodo M, Saito M, Ushiba J, Tomita Y, Minami M, Masakado Y. Anticipatory postural adjustments contribute to age-related changes in compensatory steps associated with unilateral perturbations. Gait Posture 36(3): 625-30, 2012.
  • Orand A, Ushiba J, Tomita Y, Honda S. The comparison of motor learning performance with and without feedback. Somatosens Mot Res 29(3): 103-10, 2012.
  • 細野直恒, 三樹弘之, 鈴木道夫, 平山亮, 富田豊. 聴覚障害者や外国人のための緊急コミュニケーションツール Proc Media Comput Conf T2(2): 1-5, 2012.
  • 川上健司, 和田陽介, 田村恵美, 伊藤美致世, 田中和加奈, 寺西利生, 奥山夕子, 近藤和泉, 園田茂. 脳卒中患者の回復期リハビリテーション病棟退院後の転倒予測要因に関する研究: 自宅内自立歩行可能な在宅脳卒中患者を対象として. 理学療法学 39(2): 73-81, 2012.
  • 加藤啓之, 宮坂裕之, 安井千恵子, 中西千佳子, 近藤和泉, 園田茂. 脳卒中上肢機能的スキル評価尺度(Functional Skills Measure After Paralysis: FSMAP)の信頼性と妥当性. 作業療法ジャーナル 46(3): 286-91, 2012.
  • 橋本泰成, 富田豊, 木村彰男, 里宇明元. 頭皮脳波を使ったBMIによるコミュニケーション. 認知神経科学 13(3): 249-54, 2012.
  • 冨田憲, 園田茂, 谷野元一, 岡本さやか, 永井将太, 和田陽介, 寺西利生. 蛋白同化ホルモン投与による脳卒中片麻痺側下肢筋力の経時変化. 理学療法科学 27(1): 1-5, 2012.
  • 富田豊, 須賀一民. サウンドマスキングによるオープンスペースタイプ教室の音響改善. 人とシステム 14: 9-14, 2012.
  • Wada Y, Kondo I, Sonoda S, Yamada K, Narukawa A, Kawakami K, Nonoyama S, Miyasaka H, Teranishi T, Nagai S, Takeshima N. Mirror therapy for severely affected ankle joints of stroke patients. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 2: 71-6, 2011.
  • Orand A, Ushiba J, Tomita Y, Honda S. Electroencephalographic denoising and classification by using power spectrum density based independent component analysis and common spatial pattern. SICE J Control Meas Syst Integr 4(6): 445-51, 2011.
  • 細野直恒, 三樹弘之, 鈴木道夫, 富田豊. 緊急時の外国人や障害者のための多言語対応コミュニケーションエイド. 人間生活工学 12(2): 17-20, 2011.
  • Teranishi T, Kondo I, Sonoda S, Wada Y, Miyasaka H, Tanino G, Narita W, Sakurai H, Okada M, Saitoh E. Validity study of the standing test for imbalance and disequilibrium (SIDE): Is the amount of body sway in adopted postures consistent with item order? Gait Posture 34(3): 295-9, 2011.
  • Miyasaka H, Kondo I, Kato H, Takahashi C, Uematsu H, Yasui C, Tani A, Miyata M, Wada N, Teranishi T, Wada Y, Sonoda S. Assessment of the content validity of functional skills measure after paralysis with nominal group discussion and revision of its content. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 2: 24-30, 2011.
  • 川原由紀奈, 園田茂, 奥山夕子, 登立奈美, 谷野元一, 渡邉誠, 坂本利恵, 寺西利生. 6単位から9単位への一日あたりの介入時間増加が脳卒中患者のFIM帰結に与える効果. 理学療法科学 26(2): 297-302, 2011.
  • Okamoto S, Sonoda S, Tanino G, Tomida K, Okazaki H, Kondo I. Change in thigh muscle cross-sectional area through administration of an anabolic steroid during routine stroke rehabilitation in hemiplegic patients. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 90(2): 106-11, 2011.
  • 加藤啓之, 宮坂裕之, 安井千恵子, 植松瞳, 近藤和泉, 園田茂. 脳卒中麻痺側上肢運動覚障害に対する電気刺激の有効性: 予備的検討. 作業療法ジャーナル 45(1): 60-4, 2011.
  • Orand A, Tomita Y. A simple power spectrum analysis for heart rate variability. Ergon Hum-Syst Interact 13(1): 15-6, 2010.
  • Hashimoto Y, Ushiba J, Tomita Y. Design and development of a myo-electric controlled artificial hand-practical course of junior high school students. Ergon Hum-Syst Interact 13(1): 9-14, 2010.
  • Hashimoto Y, Ushiba J, Tomita Y. Estimating membrane potential in human motoneurons using a peri-stimulus time histogram. Ergon Hum-Syst Interact 13(1): 1-8, 2010.
  • Teranishi T, Kondo I, Sonoda S, Kagaya H, Wada Y, Miyasaka H, Tanino G, Narita W, Sakurai H, Okada M, Saitoh E. A discriminative measure for static postural control ability to prevent in-hospital falls: Reliability and validity of the standing test for imbalance and disequilibrium (SIDE). Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 1: 11-6, 2010.
  • Hashimoto Y, Ushiba J, Kimura A, Liu M, Tomita Y. Change in brain activity through virtual reality-based brain-machine communication in a chronic tetraplegic subject with muscular dystrophy. BMC Neurosci 11: 117, 2010.
  • Wada Y, Kondo I, Sonoda S, Miyasaka H, Teranishi T, Nagai S, Saitoh E. Preliminary trial to increase gait velocity with high speed treadmill training for patients with hemiplegia. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 89(8): 683-7, 2010.
  • 登立奈美, 園田茂, 奥山夕子, 川原由紀奈, 渡邉誠, 寺西利生, 坂本利恵. 回復期脳卒中患者における訓練単位数増加と運動麻痺改善との関係. 脳卒中 32(4): 340-5, 2010.
  • Shimane M, Tomita Y, Shinbo T, Kokubo K, Hirose M, Hataishi R, Mitsufuji H, Kubota M, Masuda N, Kobayashi H. Synchronization between cardiac and respiratory rhythms in healthy subjects and patients. Adv Exp Med Biol 662: 133-40, 2010.
  • 和田陽介, 園田茂, 永井将太, 國分実伸, 奥山夕子, 川北美奈子, 寺西利生, 近藤和泉. FIT programを受けた脳卒中患者の退院後調査: FIM質問紙(Flow-FIM)を用いて. 脳卒中 32(2): 138-45, 2010.
  • 永井将太, 奥山夕子, 園田茂, 新田收, 登立奈美, 坂本利恵, 寺西利生, 金田嘉清. 回復期脳卒中片麻痺患者における入院時重症度別のFIM運動細項目の経過解析. 理学療法科学 25(1): 1-6, 2010.
  • 宮坂裕之, 近藤和泉, 安井千恵子, 加藤啓之, 植松瞳, 谷明奈, 宮田幹子, 寺西利生, 和田陽介, 園田茂. 随意運動介助型電気刺激を用いた脳卒中麻痺側手関節背屈運動の保持: 治療開始時の筋緊張による影響. 総合リハビリテーション 38(1): 65-71, 2010.
  • Sagawa K, Abo S, Tsukamoto T, Kondo I. Forearm trajectory measurement during pitching motion using an elbow-mounted sensor. J Adv Mech Des Syst Manuf 3(4): 299-311, 2009.
  • 宮坂裕之, 近藤和泉, 河野光信, 安井千恵子, 加藤啓之, 植松瞳, 谷明奈, 宮田幹子, 村岡慶裕, 園田茂. 随意運動介助型電気刺激の適用時期が脳卒中患者の上肢機能改善に与える影響. 総合リハビリテーション 37(10): 945-50, 2009.
  • 寺西利生, 大塚圭, 村岡慶裕, 才藤栄一, 伊藤慎英, 金田嘉清, 近藤和泉, 園田茂. トレッドミル歩行分析用3次元動作解析装置の精度検討. 総合リハビリテーション 37(10): 939-44, 2009.
  • Kondo I, Teranishi T, Iwata M, Sonoda S, Saitoh E. Reliability study of gross motor function classification system and Delphi survey of expert opinion for clinical use of this system in Japan. Jpn J Rehabil Med 46: 519-26, 2009.
  • 大里泰彦, 笹川和彦, 横山鉱太郎, 才藤栄一, 近藤和泉. 嚥下時の口腔および咽頭内の接触圧力同時測定システムの開発. 臨床バイオメカニクス 30: 83-7, 2009.
  • 別府秀彦, 松本美富士, 渡邊治夫, 園田茂, 近藤和泉, 中野道徳, 鈴木康司, 東口志, 武重榮子, 水谷謙明, 土井直子, 新保寛. 健常成人における難消化性デキストリン含有粉末飲料による米飯負荷食後血糖値の抑制への影響. 日本食品新素材研究会誌 12(2): 56-64, 2009.
  • 平野佳代子, 永井将太, 和田陽介, 野々山紗矢果, 生川暁久, 大沼さゆり, 川上健司, 西尾美和子, 寺西利生, 園田茂. 脳卒中患者の麻痺側足関節背屈に対するミラーセラピーの効果. 総合リハビリテーション 36(7): 683-8, 2008.
  • Suzuki T, Sonoda S, Saitoh E, Onogi K, Fujino H, Teranishi T, Oyobe T, Katoh M, Ohtsuka K. Prediction of gait outcome with the knee-ankle-foot orthosis with medial hip joint in patients with spinal cord injuries: a study using recursive partitioning analysis. Spinal Cord 45(1): 57-63, 2007.