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名前: 稲垣 秀人(Hidehito Inagaki)
電子メールアドレス: hinagaki@fujita-hu.ac.jp

所属機関/組織 (#1)
所属機関名-1: 藤田保健衛生大学
所属部署名(1) 1: 総合医科学研究所
所属部署名(2) 1: 分子遺伝学研究部門
役職・職名-1: 助教
郵便番号-1: 470-1192
住所-1: 愛知県豊明市沓掛町田楽ヶ窪1-98

所属学会/研究会 (#1)
所属学会名-1: 日本分子生物学会
所属学会/研究会 (#2)
所属学会名-2: 日本人類遺伝学会

研究歴/実績 [2005年] (#12)
論文-12: Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Yamada, K., Kowa, H., Shaikh, T.H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2005). A palindromic AT-rich repeat in the NF1 gene is hypervariable in humans and evolutionarily conserved among primates. Hum. Mutat., 26, 332-342.
Papers-12: Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Yamada, K., Kowa, H., Shaikh, T.H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2005). A palindromic AT-rich repeat in the NF1 gene is hypervariable in humans and evolutionarily conserved among primates. Hum. Mutat., 26, 332-342.
学会・研究会・講演会-12: 向後寛、河和寛恵、山田晃司、大江瑞恵、稲垣秀人、倉橋浩樹 (2005).哺乳類における減数分裂期相同組換えに関与する新規遺伝子の同定、第110回日本解剖学会全国学術集会、富山、March, 29-31.
大江瑞恵、稲垣秀人、向後寛、山田晃司、河和寛恵、長岡香百合、加藤武馬、谷口真理子、Emanuel Beverly. S、倉橋浩樹 (2005). 染色体欠失へのpalindromic AT-rich repeatの関与、第50回日本人類遺伝学会、倉敷、September, 19-22.
加藤武馬、稲垣秀人、大江瑞恵、向後寛、河和寛恵、谷口真理子、長岡香百合、山田晃司、倉橋浩樹 (2005). パリンドローム配列のgenotypeによって新生転座の発生頻度が予測できる、第50回日本人類遺伝学会、倉敷、September, 19-22.
加藤武馬、稲垣秀人、山田晃司、向後寛、大江瑞恵、河和寛恵、長岡香百合、谷口真理子、倉橋浩樹 (2005). パリンドローム配列の多型が新生転座の発生頻度に影響する、第28回日本分子生物学会、福岡、December, 7-10.
大江瑞恵、稲垣秀人、向後寛、谷口真理子、倉橋浩樹 (2005). パリンドローム配列を介した染色体転座モデルの解析、第28回日本分子生物学会年会、福岡、December, 7-10.
向後寛、稲垣秀人、大江瑞恵、谷口真理子、倉橋浩樹(2005).Palindromic AT-rich repeatの十字型構造形成能、第28回日本分子生物学会年会、福岡、December, 7-10.
稲垣秀人、太田宏美、大江瑞恵、向後寛、谷口真理子、石合正道、高田穣、倉橋浩樹 (2005). DNAの十字架型構造が染色体転座を誘発するまで,第28回日本分子生物学会年会,福岡,December, 7-10.
コ田倍将、角川裕造、倉橋浩樹、丸野内棣 (2005). E-cadherinはマウス精巣の未分化型精粗細胞の特異的マーカー分子である。第28回日本生物学会年会、福岡、December, 7-10.
加藤武馬、稲垣秀人、大江瑞恵、向後寛、山田晃司、倉橋浩樹 (2005). パリンドローム配列の遺伝子型によって新生転座の発生頻度が予測できる、第37回藤田学園医学会、豊明、October, 6-8.
Speaker-12: Ohye, T., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2005). Yeast model system reveals the mechanism of palindrome-mediated chromosomal translocation. 55th annual meeting of American Society of Human Genetics, Salt Lake, USA, October, 25-29.
Kato, T., Inagaki, H., Yamada, K., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2005). Polymorphism of the palindromic sequence at the 11q23 breakpoint region affects de novo t(11;22) translocation frequency. 55th Annual Meeting of American Society of Human Genetics, Salt Lake City, USA, October, 25-29.
研究歴/実績 [2006年] (#13)
論文-13: Kato, T., Inagaki, H., Yamada, K., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Kowa, H., Nagaoka, K., Taniguchi, M., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2006) Genetic variation affects de novo translocation frequency. Science, 311, 971.
Kurahashi, H., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Kato, T., Emanuel, B.S. (2006). Chromosomal translocation mediated by palindromic DNA. Cell Cycle, 5, 1297-1303.
Ashley, T., Gaeth, A.P., Inagaki, H., Seftel, A., Cohen, M.M., Anderson, L., Kurahashi, H., Emanuel, B.S. (2006). Meiotic recombination and spatial proximity in the ethiology of the recurrent t(11;22). Am. J. Hum. Genet., 79, 524-538.
Kurahashi, H., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Kato, T., Emanuel, B.S. (2006). Palindrome-mediated chromosomal translocations in humans. DNA Repair, 5, 1136-1145.
Papers-13: Kato, T., Inagaki, H., Yamada, K., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Kowa, H., Nagaoka, K., Taniguchi, M., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2006) Genetic variation affects de novo translocation frequency. Science, 311, 971.
Kurahashi, H., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Kato, T., Emanuel, B.S. (2006). Chromosomal translocation mediated by palindromic DNA. Cell Cycle, 5, 1297-1303.
Ashley, T., Gaeth, A.P., Inagaki, H., Seftel, A., Cohen, M.M., Anderson, L., Kurahashi, H., Emanuel, B.S. (2006). Meiotic recombination and spatial proximity in the ethiology of the recurrent t(11;22). Am. J. Hum. Genet., 79, 524-538.
Kurahashi, H., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Kato, T., Emanuel, B.S. (2006). Palindrome-mediated chromosomal translocations in humans. DNA Repair, 5, 1136-1145.
学会・研究会・講演会-13: Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2006).
A two-step mechanism for palindrome-mediated rearrangements in human cells. 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Kyoto, Japan, June, 18-23.
Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2006).
A two-step mechanism for palindrome-mediated rearrangements in human
Cell. 11th International Congress of Human Genetics, Brisbane, Australia, August, 6-10.
Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2006).
Not sequence, but structure: palindrome-mediated translocation. 56th annual meeting of American Society of Human Genetics, New Orleans, USA, October 9-13.
Speaker-13: Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2006).
A two-step mechanism for palindrome-mediated rearrangements in human cells. 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Kyoto, Japan, June, 18-23.
Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2006).
A two-step mechanism for palindrome-mediated rearrangements in human
Cell. 11th International Congress of Human Genetics, Brisbane, Australia, August, 6-10.
Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2006).
Not sequence, but structure: palindrome-mediated translocation. 56th annual meeting of American Society of Human Genetics, New Orleans, USA, October 9-13.
研究歴/実績 [2007年] (#14)
論文-14: Kogo, H., Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kato, T., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2007). Cruciform extrusion propensity of human translocation-mediating palindromic AT-rich repeats. Nucleic Acids Res., 35, 1198-1208.
Kurahashi, H., Inagaki, H., Hosoba, E., Kato, T., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Emanuel, B.S. (2007). Molecular cloning of a translocation breakpoint hotspot in 22q11. Genome Res., 17, 461-469.
Kato, T., Yamada, K., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2007). Age has no effect on de novo constitutional t(11;22) translocation frequency in sperm. Fertil. Steril., 88, 1446-1448.
Papers-14: Kogo, H., Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kato, T., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2007). Cruciform extrusion propensity of human translocation-mediating palindromic AT-rich repeats. Nucleic Acids Res., 35, 1198-1208.
Kurahashi, H., Inagaki, H., Hosoba, E., Kato, T., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Emanuel, B.S. (2007). Molecular cloning of a translocation breakpoint hotspot in 22q11. Genome Res., 17, 461-469.
Kato, T., Yamada, K., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2007). Age has no effect on de novo constitutional t(11;22) translocation frequency in sperm. Fertil. Steril., 88, 1446-1448.
学会・研究会・講演会-14: 稲垣秀人、大江瑞恵、向後寛、加藤武馬、堤真紀子、倉橋浩樹(2006).DNAの非B型高次構造が引き起こす染色体転座.第39回藤田学園医学会、豊明、October, 4-6.
稲垣秀人、大江瑞恵、向後寛、加藤武馬、童茂清、堤真紀子、B.S.Emanuel、倉橋浩樹(2006).Non-B型DNAによって起こる精子細胞特異的な染色体転座.第30回日本分子生物学会、横浜、December, 11-15.
研究歴/実績 [2008年] (#15)
論文-15: Kato, T., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Yamada, K., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2008) Two different forms of palindrome resolution in the human genome: deletion or translocation. Hum. Mol. Genet., 17, 1184-1191.
Papers-15: Kato, T., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Yamada, K., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2008) Two different forms of palindrome resolution in the human genome: deletion or translocation. Hum. Mol. Genet., 17, 1184-1191.
学会・研究会・講演会-15: 稲垣秀人、倉橋浩樹 (2008). Non-B型DNAによって起こる精子細胞特異的な染色体転座. 2007年度組換え・染色体再編ワークショップ・第19回DNA複製・分配ワークショップ合同ワークショップ、伊豆、March, 4-7.
稲垣秀人、大江瑞恵、向後寛、加藤武馬、堤真紀子、倉橋浩樹 (2008). Artemisが引き起こす染色体転座. 第40回藤田学園医学会、豊明、October, 2-3.
稲垣秀人、大江瑞恵、向後寛、加藤武馬、童茂清、堤真紀子、B.S. Emanuel、倉橋浩樹 (2008). Artemisは十字架型のパリンドローム構造を切断し染色体転座を誘発する.第31回日本分子生物学会、神戸、December, 9-12.
Speaker-15: Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Kato, T., Tong, M., Tsutsumi, M., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2008). Artemis cleaves cruciform-forming palindromic DNA leading to recurrent translocation in humans. The 6th 3R Symposium, Kakegawa, Japan, October, 27-30.
Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Kato, T., Tong, M., Tsutsumi, M., Emanuel., B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2008). Artemis cleaves cruciform-forming palindromic DNA leading to recurrent translocation in humans. ASHG Ataxia-Telangiectasia/Genome Instability Satellite Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, November, 11.
Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Kato, T., Tong, M., Tsutsumi, M., Emanuel., B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2008). Artemis cleaves cruciform-forming palindromic DNA leading to recurrent translocation in humans. 58th annual meeting of American Society of Human Genetics, Philadelphia, USA, November, 11-15.
受賞歴-15: 第40回藤田学園医学会奨励賞
研究歴/実績 [2009年] (#16)
論文-16: Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Kato, T., Bolor, H., Taniguchi, M., Shaikh, T.H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2009) Chromosomal instability mediated by non-B DNA: cruciform conformation and not DNA sequence ins responsible for recurrent translocation in humans. Genome Res., 19, 191-198.
olor, H., Mori, T., Nishiyama, S., Ito, Y., Hosoba, E., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Tsutsumi, M., Kato, T., Tong, M., Nishizawa, H., Pryor-Koishi, K., Kitaoka, E., Sawada, T., Nishiyama, Y., Udagawa, Y., Kurahashi, H. (2009) Mutations of the SYCP3 gene in women with recurrent pregnancy loss. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 84, 14-20.
3. Kurahashi, H., Bolor, H., Kato, T., Kogo, H., Tsutsumi, M., Inagaki, H., Ohye, T. Recent advance in our understanding of the molecular nature of chromosomal abnormalities. J. Hum. Genet., 54, 253-260.
4. Kurahashi, H., Inagaki, H., Kato, T., Hosoba, E., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Tsutsumi, M., Bolor, H., Tong, M., Emanuel, B.S. (2009) Impaired DNA replication prompts deletions within palindromic sequences, but does not induce translocations in human cells. Hum. Mol. Genet., 18, 3397-3406.
Papers-16: Inagaki, H., Ohye, T., Kogo, H., Kato, T., Bolor, H., Taniguchi, M., Shaikh, T.H., Emanuel, B.S., Kurahashi, H. (2009) Chromosomal instability mediated by non-B DNA: cruciform conformation and not DNA sequence ins responsible for recurrent translocation in humans. Genome Res., 19, 191-198.
olor, H., Mori, T., Nishiyama, S., Ito, Y., Hosoba, E., Inagaki, H., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Tsutsumi, M., Kato, T., Tong, M., Nishizawa, H., Pryor-Koishi, K., Kitaoka, E., Sawada, T., Nishiyama, Y., Udagawa, Y., Kurahashi, H. (2009) Mutations of the SYCP3 gene in women with recurrent pregnancy loss. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 84, 14-20.
3. Kurahashi, H., Bolor, H., Kato, T., Kogo, H., Tsutsumi, M., Inagaki, H., Ohye, T. Recent advance in our understanding of the molecular nature of chromosomal abnormalities. J. Hum. Genet., 54, 253-260.
4. Kurahashi, H., Inagaki, H., Kato, T., Hosoba, E., Kogo, H., Ohye, T., Tsutsumi, M., Bolor, H., Tong, M., Emanuel, B.S. (2009) Impaired DNA replication prompts deletions within palindromic sequences, but does not induce translocations in human cells. Hum. Mol. Genet., 18, 3397-3406.
学会・研究会・講演会-16: 稲垣秀人、倉橋浩樹 (2009). Non-B型DNAが引き起こすヒト染色体転座の発生機構. 日本分子生物学会第19回春季シンポジウム、宮崎、May, 10-12.
稲垣秀人、大江瑞恵、向後寛、加藤武馬、童茂清、堤真紀子、Beverly S. Emanuel、倉橋浩樹 (2009). GEN1 resolves cruciform-forming palindromic DNA leading to recurrent translocation in human. 第32回日本分子生物学会年会、横浜、December, 9-12.
研究歴/実績 [2010年] (#17)
論文-17: Kurahashi H, Inagaki H, Ohye T, Kogo H, Tsutsumi M, Kato T, Tong M, Emanuel B. The constitutional t(11;22): implications for a novel mechanism responsible for gross chromosomal rearrangements. Clin Genet. 2010 Oct;78(4):299-309.
Ohye T, Inagaki H, Kogo H, Tsutsumi M, Kato T, Tong M, Macville MV, Medne L, Zackai EH, Emanuel BS, Kurahashi H. Paternal origin of the de novo constitutional t(11;22)(q23;q11). Eur J Hum Genet. 2010 Jul;18(7):783-7.
Tong M, Kato T, Yamada K, Inagaki H, Kogo H, Ohye T, Tsutsumi M, Wang J, Emanuel BS, Kurahashi H. Polymorphisms of the 22q11.2 breakpoint region influence the frequency of de novo constitutional t(11;22)s in sperm. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Jul 1;19(13):2630-7.
Papers-17: Kurahashi H, Inagaki H, Ohye T, Kogo H, Tsutsumi M, Kato T, Tong M, Emanuel B. The constitutional t(11;22): implications for a novel mechanism responsible for gross chromosomal rearrangements. Clin Genet. 2010 Oct;78(4):299-309.
Ohye T, Inagaki H, Kogo H, Tsutsumi M, Kato T, Tong M, Macville MV, Medne L, Zackai EH, Emanuel BS, Kurahashi H. Paternal origin of the de novo constitutional t(11;22)(q23;q11). Eur J Hum Genet. 2010 Jul;18(7):783-7.
Tong M, Kato T, Yamada K, Inagaki H, Kogo H, Ohye T, Tsutsumi M, Wang J, Emanuel BS, Kurahashi H. Polymorphisms of the 22q11.2 breakpoint region influence the frequency of de novo constitutional t(11;22)s in sperm. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Jul 1;19(13):2630-7.
学会・研究会・講演会-17: Hidehito Inagaki, Tamae Ohye, Hiroshi Kogo, Makiko Tsutsumi, Takema Kato, Maoqing Tong, Beverly S. Emanuel, and Hiroki Kurahashi. GEN1 resolves cruciform-forming palindromic DNA leading to a recurrent translocation in humans. 60th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics. Nov. 2-6, 2010. Washington D.C., USA.

稲垣 秀人、大江 瑞恵、向後 寛、堤 真紀子、加藤 武馬、童 茂清、Emanuel B.S.、倉橋 浩樹. Two plasmid systemを用いたt(11;22)の発生メカニズムの解析. 日本人類遺伝学会第55回大会. Oct 27-30, 2010, さいたま市.
Hidehito Inagaki, Tamae Ohye, Hiroshi Kogo, Makiko Tsutsumi, Takema Kato, Maoqing Tong, Beverly S. Emanuel, and Hiroki Kurahashi. GEN1 resolves cruciform-forming palindromic DNA leading to a recurrent translocation in humans. The 7th 3R Symposium. Oct. 26-30, 2010. Toyama.
Speaker-17: Hidehito Inagaki, Tamae Ohye, Hiroshi Kogo, Makiko Tsutsumi, Takema Kato, Maoqing Tong, Beverly S. Emanuel, and Hiroki Kurahashi. GEN1 resolves cruciform-forming palindromic DNA leading to a recurrent translocation in humans. 60th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics. Nov. 2-6, 2010. Washington D.C., USA.
Hidehito Inagaki, Tamae Ohye, Hiroshi Kogo, Makiko Tsutsumi, Takema Kato, Maoqing Tong, Beverly S. Emanuel, and Hiroki Kurahashi. Analysis of mechanism of t(11;22) by using two plasmid system in human cell. The 55th meeting of The Japan Society of Human Genetics. Oct 27-30, 2010, Saitama.
Hidehito Inagaki, Tamae Ohye, Hiroshi Kogo, Makiko Tsutsumi, Takema Kato, Maoqing Tong, Beverly S. Emanuel, and Hiroki Kurahashi. GEN1 resolves cruciform-forming palindromic DNA leading to a recurrent translocation in humans. The 7th 3R Symposium. Oct. 26-30, 2010. Toyama.

Fri Nov 19 17:36:30 JST 2010

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