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Site Last Updated: 5 September 2007.

Division of Genome Analysis
Division chief: Hiroki Kurahashi, MD, PhD.
21st Century COE Program*
Development Center for Targeted and Minimally Invasive Diagnosis and Treatment
*the COE(Centers of Excellence) Program, established by JSPS(Japan society for the Promotion of Science, 6 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8471), aims to promote the development of universities that are vigorous in the pursuit of their mandates and that are competitive at the highest levels of international excellence.

logo2 What's New?
New!.jpg 22 Jan 2008: You can see a nice photo illustrating our research achievement (Dr. Nagao group) on the cover page of February issue of Kidney International.
28 Dec 2007: Microarray Database page updated.
5 September 2007: An article about research activity of COE genome team (Dr.Nishizawa group) appeared in the newspaper, "Chunichi-Shinbun", published on Sep 4, 2007.
18 June 2007: Microarray Database page updated.
Science Forum's Photo Gallery (March 9, 2007) was added!
We are planning to host a Science Forum together with Karolinska Institute. The Forum will be held at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm on March 9. Two COE graduate students of our team, Dr. Kanako Pryor-Koishi (D4) and Dr. Yoichi Nakajima (D3), will present their recent data by 10 minutes talk.
18 May 2007: Publication page updated.
27 Mar 2007: Microarray Database page updated.
12 Mar 2007: Microarray Database page updated.
17 Jan 2007: Top and Publication page updated.
4 Aug 2006: Top page updated.
14 Aug 2006: COE Research Assistants' page updated.
16 Aug 2006: COE Research Assistants' page updated.
7 Nov 2006: COE Research Assistants' page updated.
11 Dec 2006: COE Research Assistants' page updated.

logo2 Our Aim:
Fujita Health University was assigned to be one of the COE (Center of Excellence) research centers in the medical field in 2003 which the Japanese government supports. We newly set up "Development center for targeted and minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment", and both clinicians and basic scientists have been cooperatively working on developing new diagnostic and therapeutic methods.
Our projects were based both on the technical seeds (A: antibodies, C: artificial chromosome, T: tissue targeting, G: genome analysis) which had been developed in the Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science and on the clinical needs. Our plan will be finally judged by whether or not a new diagnostic and/or therapeutic method which is internationally utilized is born in our center. Here we organize a web site where we report our progress and release our data open to the public all over the world.

logo2 Introduction of the Division of Genome Analysis:
This project, “Development Center for Targeted and Minimally Invasive Diagnosis and Treatment”, started in 2003. A total of 12 research projects were approved by the University Committee as unique themes. Our research team mainly consists of young spirited medical doctors who are working at the Fujita Health University Hospital every day for treatment of the intractable diseases. They are working together with the aid of four COE Research Assistants and the division chief, Hiroki Kurahashi, to develop novel tailor-made treatments by using microarray and other technologies.

logo2 Contents:
Research projects
Microarray Database
Staff (COE Research Assistants)