Red Hat Linux 8.0 (OS: operating system)

We will not describe the detail of the Linux installation. You can find many documents on WWW or books, depending on which distribution of the Linux you select. We describe here some tips for the OS installation.
Type in the IP address at "network configuration" (IP address should be provided properly from the network administrator.) Select "custom" from the type of installations.
Selections of the package group are

Do not select "database server" and "web server".

--- Install procedure of Red Hat Linux 8.0 ---

Preparation for Linux installation

Prepare CD-ROM of Red Hat Linux 8.0 (FTP version).
The CD-ROM is available from the following methods.

If you need to setup a dual boot hard drive (Linux and Windows on a same HD), make ext2 or ext3 partition for Linux installation in advance. You may use utility software such as SystemCommander2000 to make partitions. Put the boot manager (GRUB) of Linux into the top of the boot partition (/).
If you do not need to make a dual boot HD or add a blank hard drive to your Windows system, boot from the Red Hat Linux CD-ROM and format the HD with the CD-ROM. Put the boot manager into MBR.
The sizes of the partitions are 1.5GB for (/), 1GB for (/home) and a little more size than main memory for (swap).

* You do not have to mind the size of (swap) if you have more than 128MB for main memory. It seems to be enough for the WebDAS to have 50MB memory. Just check the memory usage with commands such as "vmstat", "free", and "procinfo".

Installation of Red Hat Linux 8.0

Check the BIOS boot sequence and set the ATAPI-CDROM the firstbooting device.
Boot from the CD-ROM.
* ( ) is our selection

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Preparation for installing the applications


Here is a list of the downloading site of the applications. This is a sample of the sites. You may find other site on the Internet.

We recommend that you should not connect your WebDAS directly to the Internet because of the security issue. Get these downloaded files off-line.
In the following steps, we suppose that you have copied these downloaded archive files into the /tmp directory of your WebDAS.

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Create accounts for the installation

Create "ctn" account for the installation, and "postgres" for the database user.

Install procedure

Log in by root on your WebDAS.
Start a console emulator such as "gnome console" or "terminal".
Create the accounts and set their passwords.

* "«" represent "Enter"

useradd -s /bin/tcsh ctn«
passwd ctn«
New UNIX password: ********«	
Retype new UNIX password: ********«	
useradd postgres«
passwd postgres«
New UNIX password: ********«
Retype new UNIX password: ********«

Note that the "ctn" user should use csh command. You need to execute c-shell script to make CTN applications. (Most Linux distribution set the default shell to "bash".)

Log out "root" now.

Install PostgreSQL (database engine)

PostgreSQL is a Relational Database Management System.
It will be installed into /usr/local/pgsql.
Database files will be in /home/db.

Installation procedure

Log in by "postgres" on your WebDAS.
Start "terminal".
Edit /home/postgres/.bashrc with vi editor.
Add following 7 lines at the tail of /home/postgres/.bashrc .
Save the file.

# pgsql env.
export POSTGRES_HOME=/usr/local/pgsql
export PGDATA=/home/db

Install PostgreSQL

(root passwordj«
mkdir /usr/local/pgsql«
chown postgres:postgres /usr/local/pgsql«
tar zxvf /tmp/postgresql-7.2.3.tar.gz«
cd postgresql-7.2.3«
./configure --enable-multibyte=EUC_JP --enable-odbc«
make check«
    : (you will see many messages)
     All 79 tests passed. 
make install«

Add the shared library of PostgreSQL to

(root password)«
Add the following line at the tail of (/etc/
/sbin/ldconfig -v«

Make the init script to start PostgreSQL as daemon.
Edit ~/postgresql-7.2.3/contrib/start-scripts/linux.

Change the following line

# Data directory

Install PostgreSQL.

(root password)
cd /etc/rc.d/init.d«
cp /home/postgres/postgresql-7.2.3/contrib/start-scripts/linux postgres«
chmod 755 postgres«
/sbin/chkconfig --add postgres«

Restart your WebDAS now.

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Configuration of PostgreSQL

Initialize the database.
Create database and database user (ctn).

Configuration procedure

Log in by "postgres" on your WebDAS.
Start "terminal".

(root passwoedj«
mkdir /home/db«
chown -R postgres:postgres /home/db«
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgres start«
createuser ctn«
Shall the new user be allowed to create database? (y/n)  y«
Shall the new user be allowed to create new users? (y/n)  n«

Logout "postgres" now.

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Install LessTif (X window tool kit)

LessTif is a GUI tool kit of X Window. You need this tools to make some CTN applications.
It will be installed into /usr/local/lesstif/.

Log in by "ctn" on your WebDAS.
Start "terminal".

tar zxvf /tmp/lesstif-0.93.36.tar.gz«
cd lesstif-0.93.36«
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/lesstif«
(root passwordj«
make install«

Add the shared library of LessTif to

(root password)«
Add the following line at the tail of (/etc/
/sbin/ldconfig -v«

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Install CTN (DIOCM server)

CTN ( is a DICOM server Package to test DICOM conformance. See the document for the detail.

It will be installed into /usr/local/ctn/.
You will find the Pathfiles for ctn-3.0.4 at

Log in by "ctn" on your WebDAS.
Start "terminal".

(root passwordj«
mkdir /usr/local/ctn«
chown ctn:ctn /usr/local/ctn«
mkdir /home/ctn/ctn-3.0.4«
cd /home/ctn/ctn-3.0.4«
tar zxvf /tmp/ctn-3.0.4.tar.Z«
gzip -d /tmp/ctn-3.0.4-archive_server_jpeg.diff.gz«
patch -p1 -i /tmp/ctn-3.0.4-archive_server_jpeg.diff«
source ./environments/linux/linux.psql.lesstif.noopt.env«
cd facilities ; make links ; cd ..«
cd libsrc ; make install ; cd ..«
cd apps ; make install ; make gui-install ; cd ..«

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Configuration of CTN

Configure PostgreSQL database for the DICOM server.
Log in by "ctn" on your WebDAS.
Start "terminal".

Create ~/.cshrc and add the following lines.

# for PostgreSQL
setenv PGLIB "/usr/local/pgsql/lib"
setenv PGDATA "/home/db"
setenv PATH "/usr/local/ctn/bin:/usr/local/pgsql/bin:${PATH}" 
source .cshrc«
cd ~/ctn-3.0.4/cfg_scripts/pgsql«
./CreateDB CTNControl«
./CreateDB dicomImage«
./CreateDB FISDB«
./CreateTables Control CTNControl«
./CreateTables DIM2 dicomImage«
./CreateTables DIMView dicomImage«
./CreateTables FIS FISDB«

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Testing CTN

Test "archive_server_jpeg".
Application Entity Title of the DICOM server and client will be "testserver" and "testclient" respectively.
DICOM images will be stored in /home/images.
Test images may be obtained from

Log in by "ctn" on your WebDAS.
Start "terminal".

(root passwordj«
mkdir /home/images«
chown ctn:ctn /home/images«
load_control < ~/ctn-3.0.4/cfg_scripts/other/test.ctn«

Start new terminal.

archive_server_jpeg -i -r -n localhost -j 80 3000«

Start another terminal.

mkdir sendtest«
cd sendtest«
cp /tmp/??.00? .«
send_image -a testclient -c testserver -t localhost 3000 ct.001«

You will see messages on the terminal windows.
Confirm that you have got the image in the directory /home/images/.