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About Us

Message from Director

I would like to greet on behalf of Fujita Health University Center for International Relations.
Fujita Health University was established in 1966 by Dr. Keisuke Fujita and is now a comprehensive medical university composed of three faculties: the school of Medicine, School of Health Sciences and School of Medical Sciences. The founding philosophy is "Dokusoichiri", which means that your own creativity will be the source to open up a new era. With this philosophy, we engage in education, research, and clinical practice, and have been obtaining international acknowledgement. In 2020, Japan's first THE Asia Universities Summit 2020 will be held at Fujita. The university's presence in Japan and overseas will continue to grow.
Fujita Health University has four educational hospitals with unique features. The main hospital located beside the university has the largest number of beds in Japan and provides the world's highest level of cutting-edge medical treatment such as robotic medicine. Collaboration between professionals is essential for good medical practice. Since the time of establishment, we have been conducting ‘’Assembly Education Program’’ in which students learn collaboration across borders of schools and departments to be a better professional. In the field of research, the Research Promotion and Support Headquarters provides access to many advanced research equipment and supports experiments, creating an environment where graduate students can concentrate on their research.
Our center is contributing to the internationalization of our university by establishing MOU agreements, welcoming international students and dispatching Japanese students overseas, promoting joint research, and holding international symposiums. We aim to provide the best educational and research programs for international visitors and eventually broaden their cultural perspectives. I hope that the experience at Fujita Health University will lead to future international success.

Kazuo Takahashi, The director of Center for International Relations

Academic Partners

Partner Institution Link Area
Acibadem University https://www.acibadem.edu.tr/en/ Middle East
Ateneno de Manila University https://www.ateneo.edu/ Asia
Camilo José Cela University https://www.ucjc.edu/en/ Europe
Capital Medical University http://www.ccmu.edu.cn/ Asia
China Medical University http://www.cmu.edu.cn/ Asia
China Medical University https://www.cmu.edu.tw/ Asia
Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Medicine http://www.chula.ac.th/en/ Asia
Gachon University hthmu.edu.vntp://www.gachon.ac.kr/ Asia
Hanoi Medical University https://hmu.edu.vn/ Asia
Huazhong University of Science and Technology https://english.hust.edu.cn/ Asia
Johns Hopkins University https://www.jhu.edu/ North America
Kaohsiung Medical University https://www.kmu.edu.tw/ Asia
Khon Kaen University http://www.kku.ac.th/ Asia
Mahidol University https://mahidol.ac.th/ Asia
Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences http://www.mnums.edu.mn/index.php Asia
Nanjing Medical University http://english.njmu.edu.cn/ Asia
National Cheng Kung University https://www.ncku.edu.tw/ Asia
National Taiwan University http://www.ntu.edu.tw/ Asia
National University of Singapore School of Medicine https://medicine.nus.edu.sg/ Asia
Sabanci University https://www.sabanciuniv.edu/en Middle East
Seoul National University College of Medicine https://medicine.snu.ac.kr/en/ Asia
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine https://www.shsmu.edu.cn/english/ Asia
Shanghai Medical College Fudan University https://shmc.fudan.edu.cn/eng/main.htm Asia
Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences http://sumhs.admissions.cn/ Asia
Silpakorn University https://www.su.ac.th/en/about.php Asia
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology https://hkust.edu.hk/ Asia
Thomas Jefferson University https://www.jefferson.edu/ North America
Tongji University School of Medicine https://med.tongji.edu.cn/english/HOME.htm Asia
Tsinghua Medicine of Tsinghua University https://www.med.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/ Asia
United Arab Emirates University http://www.uaeu.ac.ae/ Middle East
University of Indonesia https://www.ui.ac.id/en/ Asia
University of Ljubljana https://www.uni-lj.si/eng/about_university_of_ljubljana.aspx Europe
University of Malaya https://www.um.edu.my/ Asia
University of Medicine 1, Yangon https://um1yangon.edu.mm/en/ Asia
University of Medicine, Mandalay https://www.ummdy.edu.mm/ Asia
University of Milano-Bicocca http://www.unimib.it/ Europe
University of Münster https://www.uni-muenster.de/en/ Europe
University of Nebraska Medical Center https://www.unmc.edu/ North America
University of the Philippines https://up.edu.ph/ Asia
University of São Paulo http://www5.usp.br/ South America
University of Zambia http://www.unza.zm/ Africa
Victoria University https://www.vu.edu.au/ Oceania
Zhejiang University School of Medicine http://www.cmm.zju.edu.cn/cmmenglish/ Asia