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Students' Report on Exchange Program at Khon Kaen University

Clinical Laboratory Science

On October 19, 2023, Mr. Nakae and Mr. Okumiyama, master's program students of Clinical Laboratory science (the Graduate School of Health Sciences), shared their student exchange program experience at Khon Kaen University. The presentation took place at Fujita Hall 500 and attended by students and faculty members of School of Medical Science.
Fujita Health University School of Medical Sciences and Khon Kaen University of Thailand have been conducting student exchange programs for years. The student exchange program is aimed to have better understanding on each country's medical practice and cultures, as well as to improve students' language skills.
Mr. Nakae and Mr. Okumiyama participated in laboratory classes and practical training at Khon Kaen University, they visited various laboratories (biosensor, infectious disease, genetic testing, etc.) and university hospitals, and learned about the characteristics of clinical laboratories and medical systems in Thailand through interaction with local faculty and students.
They also had the experience to conduct thalassemia testing at the thalassemia laboratory.
Thalassemia testing is not common in Japan due to its low prevalence. Therefore, it was a valuable experience for them to understand the differences of clinical testing systems in different countries.

In their report, they also explained about the research being conducted in each laboratory at Khon Kaen University, the principles and methods of experiments, including the differences in instruments and methods used in Japan and Thailand. They also addressed their concerns about the language, travel expenses (including accommodation), and physical condition, and motivate their juniors to take the chance to study abroad through the exchange program.

Faculty of Rehabilitation

Ms. Ichikawa

"Since entering university, I've been frustrated by the ongoing pandemic situation, unable to travel abroad at all. However, upon hearing about this study abroad opportunity, I really didn't want to miss the opportunity.

The two weeks I spent in Thailand were filled with new learning experiences and first-time encounters every day, making it very fulfilling. I got to learn about physical therapy involvement in various fields, not just through hospital visits, but also through visits to rehabilitation centers, orphanages, Muay Thai gyms, and more. In particular, during the visit to the rehabilitation center, I was shocked to see therapists providing treatment in areas where roads weren't even paved, using materials like bamboo and rope to handcraft parallel bars and orthoses.

Moreover, while enjoying authentic Thai cuisine with professors and students from Thai universities, and shopping at local markets, I got to learn about the charm of Thailand and had truly invaluable experiences.

I encourage any students, even with slight interest in studying abroad, to give it a try!"

Mr. Ishikawa

"Since the beginning of my enrollment, I've been interested in international cultures and decided to apply for this program. During my first visit to Thailand, I was surprised to find that the approach to rehabilitation, social security systems, and the atmosphere of hospitals were different from those in Japan. Visiting homes during home rehabilitation allowed me to catch a glimpse of Thai daily life, which left a particularly strong impression on me.

Outside of the program, I had the opportunity to interact with teachers, staff, and local students through meals and sightseeing, making it a fulfilling time. Dining at the night market created an atmosphere unique to the local setting, bringing me closer to the local students and allowing for various conversations.

I had mixed feelings of anticipation and anxiety about my first study abroad experience in Asia, but the warmth with which the local people welcomed me swept away those anxieties.

Through this study abroad experience, I had the valuable opportunity to interact with diverse people and my perspective on life has changed. Finally, I deeply appreciate all those involved for granting me this study abroad opportunity."

Faculty of Nursing

Ms. Fukami and Ms. Fukuoka

"We had been wanting to learn about healthcare abroad not just through lectures and textbooks, but by actually observing it firsthand. In the past few years, travel has been restricted due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, but this year, with the exchange program being conducted for the first time in four years, I didn't want to miss the chance, so I decided to participate.
In May of this year, by contacting two students who came to our school from Khon Kaen University in advance, I felt both anxious and excited as I headed to Thailand.
Upon my arrival, thanks to the warm welcome and support from those two students and many others, I was able to enjoy my time until the end. Additionally, we visited ICUs, psychiatric hospitals, elementary schools, and provided health education to the elderly in the community. In Thailand, the focus was not only on treatment in hospitals but also on disease prevention and early detection in the community, and we had been deeply involved with the local people since our student days.

I learned differences in perspective and methods of healthcare between Japan and Thailand that cannot be fully described here. I will strive to become a nurse with a broad perspective by utilizing this valuable experience.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity."