2015 - 藤田保健衛生大学医学部 第2学年
Medical EnglishⅠ ※- 27 -[担当教員] Steeve Plante准教授Laurence Hislop客員講師John Ahern客員講師Dean Fransen客員講師Mark Bodell客員講師Colin Thomson客員講師Benjamin Camp客員講師Simon Pearson客員講師※第1回授業前日までに各グループ構成員名と担当教員名を掲示する。1学期終了時にグループ変更を行う予定である。[教科書] 「English for Medicine」著者名:Toshiaki Nishihara, Mayumi Nishihara, Assunta Martin発行:金星堂 発行年:2005年Plus – Student’s Handbook provided to students with extra activities and homework.[推薦参考書] 「英文抄録の書き方」著者名;小林茂昭、日本医事新報、1996年「これだけは知っておきたい医学英語の基礎用語と表現」編著者:藤枝宏壽、玉巻欣子、Randolph Mann、メジカルビュー社、2004年「Medical Terminology」A short course,(Fourth Edition)Chabner, D.E.(Ed.) , W.B.Saunders Company, 2005.「Human Biology」(Eighth Edition) Sylvia S. Mader, McGraw Hill, 2004.「医師のための診療英会話English for Doctors」(Second Edition)マリア・ジョルフィ、J.パトリック・バロン, メジカルビュー社, 2001.[使用する教室] 各グループの使用する教室は第1回授業前日までに掲示する。[授業内容] Students will read a variety of medical texts found in their textbook and in handouts based on authentic materials. They will learn to quickly nd the main points of pieces of medical literature and then ask and answer questions about the content. They will give opinions on any ethical or debatable issues raised. Students will learn a wide range of medical terminology and phrases used by doctors in clinical settings in English-speaking countries. They will learn communicative skills by listening to and creating dialogues based on history taking, examination, and treatment. Useful phrases and new vocabulary will be practiced in speaking tasks. Activities will use as background a wide range of medical elds. Two video classes will explore medical topics more comprehensively.